Owandy CR2

The Owandy-CR2 can be used for endodontics, prosthetic dentistry, implant surgery and periodontics.

Different plate sizes are available to meet your requirements (bitewing, periodical, posterior images, etc.) and sizes:

Size 0: Child

Size 1: Incisor block

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Size 2: Adult

Size 3: Bitewing

Size 4: (2 x size 3): Occlusal block

OWANDY CR2 Brochure

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The Owandy-CR2 features a special cutting edge concept reading head that optimises the way in which plates are scanned. Using this tool, you can produce accurate images at low doses without the risk of overexposure.

The Owandy-CR2 incorporates specially designed image filters and processing to enable you to produce quality images with excellent contrasts.



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